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What's A Good Profit Margin For Vacation Rentals?

This means that your income minus expenses (net operating expenses, including mortgage payments) should not be less than 10% of your initial investment per year. It is expressed at the capitalisati…

Can Business Owners Invest in The Property?

Are you a business owner and want to start investing in real estate? Great! Business can be very profitable if you know what you’re doing. If you’re doing well, you might be looking for something t…

First-time Buyers Borrow Longer-Term Mortgages

Mortgage searches for first-time buyers surged by more than a fifth in February and March. The uprising suggests that first-time buyers are taking advantage of the slowdown in housing activity to m…

Ways to Promote Mental Health at Home

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, an opportunity to highlight the importance of mental health and well-being. For many people, promoting good mental health starts at home. Think about it: Your …

Property Maintenance and Repairs

Repair and maintenance personnel Presenting and ideally increasing the value of the owner’s properties is one of the main roles of a property management company. Tenant applications must be process…

Amazon Q2 Provides Sustainable Infrastructure

Starting next week, the first of Amazon’s 8,000 employees will begin moving into one of two new 22-storey towers in Arlington, Virginia. The move should be completed by the end of the summer. Amazo…